Maternity Rights
Maternity Rights
Maternity Protection Act (still draft)
Maternity Protection Act (still draft)
Collective Agreements
Because the law is a minimum, not a maximum, recognised majority unions can negotiate above the provisions of the Maternity Protection Act when negotiating a Collective Agreement.
Paternity Leave
Paternity Leave
Paternity leave? Keep looking ...
There is nothing in law in Trinidad and Tobago (as at 2021). Recognised majority unions can and often have agreed paternity leave when negotiating a Collective Agreement.
Whats missing ... (still draft)
Whats missing ... (still draft)
The major criticism of the Maternity Protection Act from trade unions is the lack of generosity when it comes to maternity leave. It is only 14 weeks where as other countries it is significantly more:
And, of course, there is not provision for paternity leave.