About the National Workers Union

The NWU was formed in 2004.

The Union takes a clear class approach to workplace issues. We maximise our use of new technology but at the same time recognise that workers' power rests in mobilising for mass action whenever possible.

The Union fights on as many fronts as possible. Where we have the industrial strength, we use that. In our public campaigns we use our social media resources as an agitational tool to educate and organise.

We also recognise that, particularly when most workers are not covered by collective agreements, many trade disputes require processing through the Ministry of Labour to the Industrial Court. It is against this background that we have established this web page to give workers access to information on workers rights from a trade union perspective.

We proudly declare that we are a new union based on old values.

You can find more information about the Union here

... and an Application Form to join here.

NWU Founding Statement.pdf